Your Statutory Credit Report provides details of your credit history and other public records recorded in your name.
The information contained within the report is made available to authorised Crediva customers to assess your credit status. The report also contains details of searches made for identity verification purposes, but are only visible to you and the organisation that carries out the search.
You have the right to access your report for free and check what searches have been made against your details. This check leaves no trace on your report and will not be taken into account in any credit decisions.
The information provided is a one off search providing details of your credit status on the date requested.

The one-off search provides details of your credit status on the date requested and shows:
Your personal details
Electoral Roll registration
Any public records such as County Court Judgments (CCJs) or Insolvencies
Searches on your file made in the last
2 years
As an individual consumer you have the right to obtain a copy of financial information held about you under the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
If you would like to request a copy of your Statutory Credit Report, please complete this online application form.
Or you can download, complete and return this printable application form to:
Crediva Limited
LexisNexis Risk Solutions
Global Reach
Dunleavy Drive
CF11 0SN
In order to protect your personal information, we will post your Statutory Credit Report to you once we’ve confirmed your identity at the address provided, using validated and reliable information. If we are unable to confirm your current address, we will contact you for proof of residence before sending your Statutory Credit Report.
We will provide a response within 7 business days of receipt.